Fallen CD

No Remorse Records, Formed in the early '80s in...
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No Remorse Records, Formed in the early '80s in UK, TRAITORS GATE are best known for their seminal EP "Devil Takes the High Road", originally released in 1985, still remains a New Wave Of British Heavy Metal classic and is now considered somewhat of a collector's item. After many live shows from 1984 to 1989 the band somehow ceased its activities. Moving up to the present day, and in response to what seemed to be a growing number of requests to reform, TRAITORS GATE decided to reform in late 2016 in order to do what was to be a "one-off" reunion show at the Brofest 2017 event. However, requests to play other shows in Europe quickly followed, proving the band still had something to offer in the live arena. After almost 30 years apart, and with a renewed desire to deliver the goods once more, TRAITORS GATE are fired up to be returning to the live environment and, also with brand new material, the future is definitely metalling up!

Item weight: 0,10 kg