The Hyperborean CD

  • SKU: N-33011
  • GTIN: 8032622211399
  • Category: RoW
  • Artists:
  • HAN: CRUZ 139
  • Release: 06.05.2022
Cruz Del Sur, First full-length from Chicago...
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Cruz Del Sur, First full-length from Chicago metal band channels Hammeheart-era Bathory and Rainbow’s Rising! Capitalizing on the promise displayed on their 2020 Colossus EP, Chicago’s Fer De Lance return with their first LP, The Hyperborean. Filled with atmospheric brilliance, power vocals and woven with acoustic guitars, the album redefines North American metal!

Item weight: 0,10 kg


Name: Cruz Del Sur SRL
Address: Via di Cecilia Metella 10, 00178 Rom, Italy
E-Mail: info@cruzdelsurmusic.com